Come Join Us!!


If you are looking for more in life than the daily grind, we hope that you'll find it among us!


If you haven't joined us for Sunday morning worship and Sunday School, please do! It is the center of our life, when we gather to hear God's word of life and share Baptism and Communion so that we'll be renewed in our call to share God's love with all. If you are new to our community or worship, it may take you a while before you feel fully at home. But know that you are always welcome, no matter your background. There is always a place for you here! If you are interested in joining Our Saviour's congregation, please fill out the New Member Form and return it to the church office.




Looking for a place to get together??



If you are interested in using Our Saviour's basement for a birthday party, anniversary party, bridal shower, business meeting or any other event please fill out the Church Use Form and return it to the office. Pricing and policies are included on the form.


Getting Married?



If you are interested in having your wedding at Our Saviour's please look over the Wedding Handbook for answers to many of those tough questions about your wedding day and ceremony. The handbook also contains pricing and policies. Then fill out the Wedding Form and return it to the church office.


Just had a baby?



Well, then it's time you bring them to Our Saviour's to be baptised! Pick out a Sunday that works for you, fill out the Baptism Form and call our church office!;e_id=5021


© 2025 Our Saviour's Lutheran Church
Connected Sound - Websites for the Barbershop Community